Starting as we mean to go on

Hello and welcome to our freshly updated website!

The world is forever changing (even more quickly now than ever before) and here at Accounting Connections Limited we put in a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure that we are keeping up to date with those changes (after all, it’s one of our core values!).  That’s why we are taking the opportunity to launch this tell all blog about our lives in the office.  The good, the bad and the ugly! 

As all small business owners know, owning your own business comes with highs and lows, both of which should be embraced for the lessons they teach us about ourselves as entrepreneurs, and about ourselves as people.  Every fortnight we will be bringing you a taste of what’s happened for us and our clients since our last update in order to open up the doors to our less than standard accounting office!

My name is Natalie Pieri and I am the managing director here at Accounting Connections Limited.  I would like to kick things off with the most recent change to hit our business….the website.  It would definitely be fair to say that a website refresh was well overdue, but as always in the life of a business owner, I always seemed to find other things that took priority over my time.  Funny how that works isn’t it?  We put our client’s needs above our own, firefight our way through the worst few years the world has ever known, and then look at the website and realise it’s far too many years old!  Perhaps you can relate?

I’m really pleased with the way the website has turned out, and its ongoing development will be part of our regular business strategy.  Here I have to give a huge shout out to Jonathan Gwyer of Fairly Marvellous CIC who must be the most patient website developer on the planet.  You should definitely check out what the guys have to offer if you are in the market for a new website.

Our new look website does a great job of highlighting that we are much more than a “typical” firm of accountants.  We have a great team who care about each other, we have a tight knit business community, and we genuinely care about charity and the environment.  We are a business that wants to make an important and positive impact on the world (but until we tackle world domination, we will settle for Medway to start with).

Another recent and exciting event to take place was the turning of the new tax year.  The 2023/24 tax year started on 6th April 2023 which means that the 2022/23 tax year ended on 5th April 2023.  This is an exciting time for us because it means we can contact all our clients and start the process of gathering information for us to prepare self-assessment tax returns.  Although you have until 31st January 2024 to prepare and file the return, we ALWAYS recommend getting it done as soon as possible once the tax year has ended.  This is for a few reasons:

  1. If you do it now then the last tax year is still fresh in your mind.  If you leave it until December 2023/January 2024 then how will you remember what you spent £10.00 on in June 2022??
  • If you end up having a larger than expected income tax liability to pay for then you have longer to gather the additional funds to cover it, which is vitally important in a small business where “cash is king”.

If you need help with your 2022/23 self-assessment tax return and would like to get on it straight away, then please do pop us an email on or a call on 01634540340 so that we can book you in for a free consultation.

Until next time readers… stay connected 😉

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Natalie Pieri FCCA

Natalie Pieri FCCA

Managing Director

Natalie founded the company in 2014 and has been ACCA qualified since 2009. Natalie’s main role within the business is to oversee our day-to-day activities, provide support and advice to our clients, and to keep the whole team updated with the constantly changing accounting and tax legislations.

To keep up to date with Natalie find her on: