Welcome to the Family

Here at Accounting Connections we regularly refer to our clients as our family, and this is because we care about each and every one of them like their business is our business.  We go that extra mile to make sure our clients are happy and that their tax plan suits their holistic needs.  Our client’s appreciate this approach so much that they regularly refer our services to other business owners, friends and family alike.  As a result of these continuing referrals I have found myself in a multitude of new client meetings over the past two weeks, and that is therefore the theme of today’s post.

I have been spending a lot of time getting to know our new clients recently so that we can ensure their businesses are working for them, and not the other way round!  Here is a snapshot of the type of people I’ve been speaking to who have decided to come and join the family:

  1. A husband and wife couple who are looking to set up their property investment portfolio in the most tax efficient way possible given that they both already earn money from their respective employments.  To make the situation a little bit more complicated, they also have young children for which they are currently in receipt of child benefit payments.  I was able to calculate a tax plan for them that would see them gain additional income but still retain their child benefit payments into the future.
  1. A veterinary company looking to specialise in at home euthanasia and the provision of export certificates.  This business is run by an extremely interesting and highly experienced lady who has big plans for the future of her company.  We really are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for her.  What makes this case interesting are the VAT rules surrounding the provision of veterinary services and associated medications.  We have committed to working with her to find the most up-to-date rules and regulations for her specific area of VAT.
  1. A high earning freelance consultant who is looking to expand his client base and trade internationally.  Again, this guy has big plans for the future of his business and we will do all we can to help him achieve his goals whilst helping him stay on top of the relevant laws and regulations in terms of both corporate taxes and VAT.  Lots of learning for the team to do, but we are definitely up to the challenge!

We absolutely love watching our family grow and are fully committed to being our client’s biggest advocates.  Friendly and reliable are just two of our company values that come to mind here.  We make sure we do all we can each day to uphold these values, and the fact that we are constantly getting referrals from our current client base only goes to prove that our client’s feel it too.

If you feel like you might be right for our family then please contact us on 01634 540340 or info@aconnect.co.uk

Until next time readers….stay connected 😉

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Natalie Pieri FCCA

Natalie Pieri FCCA

Managing Director

Natalie founded the company in 2014 and has been ACCA qualified since 2009. Natalie’s main role within the business is to oversee our day-to-day activities, provide support and advice to our clients, and to keep the whole team updated with the constantly changing accounting and tax legislations.

To keep up to date with Natalie find her on: