Benjamin Franklin famously said “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”, and I couldn’t agree more. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I love a plan, and even more so if it’s written on a spreadsheet! This is why I’ve spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks making plans for the future of Accounting Connections.
If you are a business owner reading this right now then you will have undoubtedly fallen into the trap we all fall into at some point in time, where you spend too much time working in the business, and not enough time working on it. Rest assured that you aren’t alone! I myself have fallen into this trap many times and am trying very hard to change my habits to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.
One of the biggest responsibilities as a business owner is to ensure the long-term viability of the business so that you can service your clients needs and keep your staff employed. A vital contributing factor to ensuring that viability is to make robust plans and then monitor actual progress against those plans regularly.
5 years ago I made a 10 year plan for Accounting Connections and have been monitoring actual results against that plan ever since. The piece of the puzzle I missed however, was to adjust the future plan for things that I knew were going to happen, and to build in contingencies for things I didn’t know might happen (although in all honesty I don’t think that anyone planned enough of a contingency for the effects of a global pandemic….perhaps a lesson for us all?).
The plans for the future of Accounting Connections have now been made and shared with the team. The new plan is far more robust than the old one, and the clear communication with my team means that we are all “rowing the boat in the same direction” which is another vital part of ensuring future success. The new plan also means that we are opening up to recruit again, so wish us luck!
If you know of anyone who might want to come and work for an amazing team of accountants then please do get them to pop us an email on or a call on 01634 540340.
Finally, we also had some great news around here last week when we found out that Ellie has just passed another one of her ACCA exams, taking her another step closer to that all important qualification. Well done Ellie!
Until next time readers….stay connected 😉